
usually its Acorn / Alexis or Zee fronting
in the event its not this guide is provided.
professionally diagnosed after 5+ years
we are an osdd - 1b? / DID system (working it out in therapy)
note: we suffer from PTSD, Major depression, severe anxiety, ADHD and ASDWe do reclaim the r slur but we never use it towards other people. It is the only slur we choose to reclaim

list A-z

the quad

REGULAR Fronters:

Other Active Alters (dont front often / ever) :


Dont exist anymore


Status: Active
Fronts: monthly
Age: 14 (doesnt age)
Birthday: March 26
Role: Presenting Part/Teen Alter - she can imitate other alters easily.
Date Formed: late 2015/early 2016
Gender: demi-girl
Pronouns: she/her.
Sexuality: asexual
Partner: n/a
Species: human
Bonus: Alexis's twin. He aged more then her though. split from injury concussion


Status: Active
Fronts: Daily
Age: 24
Birthday: April 1
Role: Core: Host - prior 2013-(inactive 2013 + 2014) late 2014 onwards.
Date Formed: ???
Gender: genderfluid / trans masc
Pronouns: xey/xem. they/them. he/him. it/its. she/her. corn/corns
Sexuality: demisexual panromantic, polyamorous
Partner: n/a
Species: human
Typing quirk; uses a lot of owo, uwu in chat. also says bless when trying to say something is cute etc.
Bonus: Acorn is a split off the old host who regressed a bit much.


Status: Active
Fronts: regular
Age: 63 moons
Birthday: n/a
Role: persecutor / introject of Ashfur from warrior cats and a villian from mcyt
Date Formed: 2021
Gender: cis male
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: straight (incel)
Partner: believes squirrelflight loves him and is playing hard to get.
Species: cat / can manifest as human
Bonus: Ashfur is an incel, who thinks murder and self harm are a okay. He is majorly Ashfur from warrior cats and is aggresive and dangerous. He's partially fused with mcyt villian and is obsessed with control. actually a cringe alter.

Alexis / Lexi

Status: Active (co-host)
Fronts: whenever he wants
Age: ageslider 17 - 21
Birthday: March 26
Role: sexual alter / trauma holder
Date Formed: late 2015/early 2016
Gender: intersex male
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: omnisexual polyamorous
Partner: n/a
Species: human
Bonus: Ace is his twin, she doesnt age as much. He also gets into a lot of trouble by trying to flirt with older men.
makes intrusive sexual comments when around people hes comfy with


Status: semi active
Fronts: pops into co-front but never allowed full control
Age: 16
Birthday: ??
Role: persecutor/suicidal alter - hosted a bit during 2013
Date Formed: 2009
Gender: demi-boy
Pronouns: he/him, de/dim
Sexuality: asexual
Partner: n/a
Species: humanish demon cat thing
Bonus: he is nervous, agressive and self harming. he murmers shitty things to whoevers fronting.


Status: fused into mikmak
Fronts: only ever fronted like 3 times
Age: 17
Birthday: ??
Role: hasnt chosen one
Date Formed: 2015 december
Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him,
Sexuality: aromantic greyace
Partner: n/a
Species: human
Bonus: he likes space. thats his only trait. he's gone inactive since 2018.


Status: dormant
Fronts: never. cohosts in only dire situations
Age: 30
Birthday: ??
Role: animal alter - carer for non human littles - 2nd in charge internally
Date Formed: 2016 october
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: straight
Partner: Draskony
Species: Owl
Bonus: Athena was formed as a mix from Felis and something new after Felis died. She started dating draskony due to residual feelings being retained from that.

Bits / q!cellbit + snowkit

Status: ok
Fronts: sometimes
Age: (regressor) 6 months - 25 human
Birthday: ??
Role: fused introject
Date Formed: 2024
Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him, they/she
Sexuality: asexual homoromantic
Partner: q!roier
Species: cat human hybrid
Bonus: fused introject of q!cellbit and snowkit warrior cats. age regresses when stressed. hearing sucks thanks to snowkit being deaf. selectivly mute when regressing. cant mask autism well.


Status: ok
Fronts: ???
Age: ???
Birthday: ??
Role: animal alter
Date Formed: 2022
Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: gay
Partner: none
Species: cat
Bonus: Blackstar warrior cats. Has a temper


Status: fused into vanoir
Fronts: never.
Age: 28
Birthday: ??
Role: ISH. factive
Date Formed: 2015
Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: straight
Partner: n/a
Species: Owl
Bonus: Brock was based loosely off Brock/Moo the youtuber. He was very good at organising stuff, and very shy. He never fronted and hated being reminded of his source.


Status: inactive / dormant
Fronts: almost never
Age: 4 before death, ??? now
Birthday: ??
Role: ghostly little
Date Formed: 2016 jan, died june 2016, returned late 2017
Gender: nonbinary
Pronouns: they/them
Sexuality: n/a
Partner: n/a
Species: dead human
Bonus: Btstu was killed by It, and re-emerged in 2017 following extreme stress and trauma. They speak echoey and sometimes struggle to verbally express themself. they are on a cloud


Status: Active
Fronts: almost never.
Age: ??
Birthday: ??
Role: fragment of acorn / animal alter
Date Formed: split from acorn late 2018
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her.
Sexuality: pansexual
Partner: n/a
Species: Cat
Bonus: Catt has anger issues and says questionable things. She has bad intrusive thoughts and gets very defensive. Split at the same time as Snakke and Wolff


Fronts: only 1 time and that was accidental (never)
Age: 5
Role: disabled little
Date Formed: september 2017
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: n/a
Partner: n/a
Bonus: Chai is deaf, and cant type or speak very well. She doesnt use regular sign language and doesnt communicate with people often


Status: dormant
Fronts: rarely
Age: 28
Role: internal self helper
Date Formed: september 2015
Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: straight
Partner: Athena. Felis (formerly)
Species: wolf
Bonus: Draskony is in charge internally. He knows everyone, he knows how to explain it. He calls singlets "child" and can sometimes come off as condescending.


Status: fused into mikmak
Fronts: never
Age: 28
Role: gatekeeper alter / trauma holder
Date Formed: september 2017
Gender: male
Pronouns: they/them
Sexuality: grey asexual
Partner: n/a
Species: human
Bonus: helped keep trauma in. he is very negative personality wise


Status: alive
Fronts: n/a
Age: ?????
Birthday: n/a
Role: fictive
Date Formed: 2023
Gender: trans
Pronouns: she/her, it/its
Sexuality: -------
Partner: -------
Species: corrupted egg
Bonus: based on codeflippa from qsmp, has outbursts. speaks in bad code


Status: alive
Fronts: n/a
Age: dead
Birthday: n/a
Role: fictive
Date Formed: 2023
Gender: agender
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: queer
Species: cat
Bonus: mute, mostly based on Firestar warrior cats , minor based off Forestwhisker "the woods" universe.


Status: fused into athena
Fronts: n/a
Age: 25
Birthday: n/a
Role: internal self helper
Date Formed: september 2015
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: straight
Partner: draskony (former)
Species: cat
Bonus: killed by it, became Athena


Status: Active
Fronts: semi-regularly
Age: 8 (non aging)
Birthday: claims easter sunday as birthday despite the day changing each year
Role: little. very sugar fixated
Date Formed: late november 2015
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her.
Sexuality: n/a
Partner: n/a
Species: human
Bonus: Holly is our most active little. She fronts regularly to eat junk food, and play with stuffies. She is on the autistic spectrum, and stims with her hands reguarly. split as a coping mechanism


Status: semi in Active
Fronts: regularly
Age: 15 (ages very slowly)
Birthday: ??
Role: disabled alter
Date Formed: 2019-2020
Gender: trans male
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: bisexual
Partner: Ollie (queer platonic)
Species: human-demon
Bonus: He's missing his right leg from the knee down. He's very excited and types mostly in all caps. Has extreme ADHD. 90% of the time he's co-hosting with Ollie and being the voice for him. split from abuse and manipulation


Status: barely active (gone dormant)
Fronts: almost never.
Age: ??
Birthday: ??
Role: evil alter / demon alter
Date Formed: ??? over 12 years ago
Gender: none
Pronouns: it/its, de/dem
Sexuality: aromantic asexual
Partner: n/a
Species: demon thing
Bonus: It has killed 3 alters (felis, btstu and paige). It has the ability to force others to go dormant for a time, by force. It has died down a lot since 2020, and is no longer a major issue.


Status: inactive
Fronts: almost never.
Age: 22
Birthday: ??
Role: fictive inspired alter/ (jayfeather warrior cats)
Date Formed: 2017
Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: bisexual
Partner: n/a
Species: human/cat
Bonus: Jay's blind in 1 eye. He struggles with empathy.


Status: Active
Fronts: semi-regulary
Age: 25
Birthday: ??
Role: protecter (number 1 protecter)
Date Formed: sometime 2008
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her.
Sexuality: demisexual
Partner: n/a
Species: human
Bonus: Kay gets stressed fronting too long, she's the one with the tech smarts and very protective of the host.


Status: inActive
Fronts: not yet
Age: 12
Birthday: ??
Role: Core | original host | trauma holder
Date Formed: birth - 2012 assumed dormant, reappeared 2021
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: demisexual
Partner: n/a
Species: human
Bonus: Kenzie is a split from Acorn following stress in May. She is basically a perfect form of the old host before we started splitting really badly.


Status: inActive
Fronts: sometimes
Age: 2-6 fluctuates
Birthday: ??
Role: little animal alter
Date Formed: sometime 2016
Gender: none
Pronouns: they/them he/him.
Sexuality: n/a
Partner: n/a
Species: phoenix
Bonus: Kree is very young. speaks very poor english and loves "eee" sounding words. formed from abuse incident early in year

Kritty | Kry

Status: inactive
Fronts: ???
Age: 25
Birthday: ??
Role: introject of Smii7y and Kryoz
Date Formed: 2022
Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him.
Sexuality: n/a
Partner: n/a
Species: humanlike
Bonus: kinda very gay. is both but fused sharing a body. they think its hilarious


Status: fused into mikmak
Fronts: never
Age: ???
Birthday: ??
Role: suicidal alter/ internal homicide
Date Formed: sometime 2017 early
Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him.
Sexuality: n/a
Partner: n/a
Species: humanlike
Bonus: edgy, self destructive and self harming. not allowed to front due to risk of harm to body


Status: inactive
Fronts: semi-regularly
Age: 5-6 (non aging)
Birthday: sometime in september
Role: little. non-human alter
Date Formed: may 2020
Gender: agender
Pronouns: they/them he/him
Sexuality: n/a
Partner: n/a
Species: alien blob thing
Bonus: really likes or loathes potatoes. depends on the day. likes ducks. and duck the person. split following friendships falling apart

Status: Active
Fronts: impulsive cohoster
Age: 24 (ages same as acorn)
Birthday: april 1
Role: abuser alter / persecutor
Date Formed: ????? prior 2009
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her.
Sexuality: asexual
Partner: n/a
Species: demon
Bonus: Mackenzie was kinda evil. She loves to start shit and be pretentious. She used deliberately trigger trauma in littles. Now shes more tame and just serves to make concerning jokes


Status: inactive mostly
Fronts: almost never.
Age: 6
Birthday: april 1
Role: trauma holder little
Date Formed: 2010 maybe earlier
Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: n/a
Partner: n/a
Species: human
Bonus: Mao holds a lot of trauma, as a result hes missing an eye and a hand. When he fronts he's probably nonverbal, just comfort him.


Status: fused into mikmak
Fronts: almost never anymore.
Age: 25
Birthday: n/a
Role: protector / diplomat
Date Formed: 2015
Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: gay
Partner: n/a
Species: human
Bonus: tries to sort internal arguments out

Midnight / Middy

Status: active lowkey
Fronts: more often now
Age: 36 moons. ages as a cat
Birthday: n/a
Role: protector / trauma holder
Date Formed: 2017
Gender: female
Pronouns: he/him she/her
Sexuality: saphhic
Partner: Midnight Lights
Species: cat hybrid
Bonus: very solem and sombre. edgy


Status: inactive lowkey
Fronts: no
Age: 15 - 30 ageslider
Birthday: n/a
Role: trauma holder / internal self harmer
Date Formed: 2022
Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him they/them
Partner: na
Species: human
Bonus: fusion of Estros, Astro, Max, Kyzar and Myziar.


Status: active in bg
Fronts: rarely
Age: 14
Birthday: n/a
Role: teen alter
Date Formed: 2010
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: asexual
Partner: n/a
Species: human
Bonus: Min is autistic and hyperfixated on pokemon and animals. She claps a lot and struggles with light, and loud noises.


Status: active
Fronts: rarely
Age: 6
Birthday: ??
Role: little
Date Formed: sometime 2017
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her.
Sexuality: n/a
Partner: n/a
Species: human/fairy
Bonus: Mitzy is shy. doesnt like to talk to strangers or front.


Status: inactive
Fronts: rarely
Age: 3
Birthday: ??
Role: little
Date Formed: sometime 2017 changed 2019-2020
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her.
Sexuality: n/a
Partner: n/a
Species: human
Bonus: Mollie used to be violent, and 8. Tay split from Mollie and took those and most of her earlier memories. Mollie now is very little. She likes pacifiers and stuffies.


Status: fused into mikmak
Fronts: never
Age: 13
Birthday: ??
Role: teen alter / memory holder
Date Formed: sometime 2018
Gender: agender
Pronouns: they/them.
Sexuality: n/a
Partner: n/a
Species: human
Bonus: holds a lot of the memories formed from a specific abusive relationship. They will go from being inactive to active, and memories will sometimes bleed to whoever is hosting when triggered.

Oliver / Ollie

Status: less Active
Fronts: weekly/daily
Age: 14
Birthday: ??
Role: disabled alter - mute
Date Formed: sometime 2016 november
Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: unlabelled MLM
Partner: Ice (queer platonic)
Species: human
Typing Quirk: Uses lots of emoticons like: :o , :U . :) etc
Bonus: Oliver loves gaming. He's mute and he sometimes gets people to speak for him. Usually found co-hosting with Ice. He communicates with a phone/whiteboard.


Status: inactive
Fronts: n/a
Age: 2 months (adult omnic)
Birthday: ??
Role: protector / fictive
Date Formed: july 2021
Gender: agender
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: ???
Partner: n/a
Species: omnic / robot
Bonus: introject of Orisa from Overwatch. She wants to protect and hug everyone. Sheild people from drama


Status: dormant / gone
Fronts: n/a
Age: ??
Birthday: ??
Role: hadnt picked
Date Formed: sometime 2015 left 2015
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: ???
Partner: n/a
Species: human
Bonus: barely remember paige, she sort of appeared and went dormant very fast aka it killed her and she didnt come back


Status: inactive
Fronts: n/a
Age: 14-15 and 20 (ageslider)
Birthday: 1 March
Role: factive teen
Date Formed: june 2021
Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: ???
Partner: n/a
Species: human
Bonus: Pandas is a factive of Sapnap when he was younger. Dont tell him about his source. C!sapnap fused from squip into pandas.


Status: Active
Fronts: almost never. co-hosts sometimes with the littles
Age: 28
Birthday: ??
Role: Caretaker (specifically human littles) shes like the cool big sister
Date Formed: sometime 2017, due to issues with littles getting distressed easily
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her.
Sexuality: lesbian
Partner: n/a
Species: human
Bonus: Phoebe does her best to comfort the littles and keeps them in check. She fronts to tell other people off for triggering the littles. She is very protective of her "siblings"


Status: Active
Fronts: regularly
Age: 8
Birthday: ??
Role: little
Date Formed: sometime 2015
Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: n/a
Partner: n/a
Species: human/tadpole/demon
Typing quirk: all caps, very short rapid sentences
Bonus: Rix is hyperactive, impulsive and forces switches very fast when he wants to talk to people or do something. He speaks in very short bursts.


Status: inactive
Fronts: rarely
Age: 23
Birthday: ??
Role: protector/ memory holder
Date Formed: sometime 2015
Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: n/a
Partner: n/a
Species: dog thing
Bonus: Ryf mostly protects from the inside by helping littles. He holds a lot of memories regarding grooming etc. Rix might be his sibling


Status: dormant
Fronts: never
Age: 6
Birthday: ??
Role: disabled little
Date Formed: 2018???
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her.
Sexuality: n/a
Partner: n/a
Species: human fairy
Bonus: sky is blind. she uses smoke to project an image into her mind.


Status: inActive
Fronts: almost never.
Age: ??
Birthday: ??
Role: fragment of acorn / animal alter
Date Formed: split from acorn late 2018
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her.
Sexuality: n/a
Partner: n/a
Species: snake
Bonus: snakke likes to eat people, specifically as a coping mechanism to make the pain go away.


Status: inactive
Fronts: never
Age: less then 1
Birthday: ??
Role: animal alter / baby
Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: n/a
Partner: n/a
Species: dog
Bonus: Sovreign was named by a friend called Lachie. he is nonverbal and a puppy, he has a hatred for insects


Status: active
Fronts: sometimes
Age: 26 human / 95 moons
Birthday: ??
Role: fusion protecter / avenger
Gender: bigender
Pronouns: he/him / she/her
Sexuality: men liker
Partner: n/a
Species: fused human & cat
Bonus: USED TO BE A FUSION OF C!SAPNAP and SQUIRRELFLIGHT WARRIOR CATS. Split and fused together to combat Asherr. They had a hatred for Asher and Star.Squirrelstar and Sapnap split following a mental break. Sapnap split back into Pandas. Squirrelstar fused with a q!pac introjectPost fusion they're a bit silly and a bit emotional. Theyre too self sacrificing and put themself last.

Starflounder | 404

Status: active
Fronts: rarely co fronts
Age: 25
Birthday: nov 1
Role: flirty alter
Gender: bigender
Pronouns: he/him / she/her
Sexuality: n/a
Partner: n/a
Species: cat and person fusion
Bonus: an introject fused with our starflower introject now theres this mess, is friends with pandas and ashfur. likes to cause problems on purpose. loves to mess with Squip.
Is a fusion of Starflower (warriors) and a mcyt that we dont support


Status: inactive
Fronts: never
Age: appears 5, mentally much older
Birthday: ??
Role: persecutor
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: n/a
Partner: n/a
Species: human
Bonus: Tay split from Mollie 2019. She took the violent tendancies and guilt tripping. She believes we deserved to be groomed etc.


Status: dormant
Fronts: no
Age: ?? old tho?
Birthday: ??
Role: dead alter
Date formed: 2020???
Gender: genderfluid
Pronouns: any
Sexuality: bi
Partner: n/a
Species: human / ghost
Bonus: appeared and almost like a month later was gone.


Status: active
Fronts: less regularly
Age: 18 mentally like 50
Birthday: ??
Role: avenger
Formed 2018
Gender: ??
Pronouns: they/them
Sexuality: n/a
Partner: n/a
Species: human but with 4 arms
Bonus: Thyme impulsively forces a switch when they believe shits going down. They're very blunt and don't like most people.


Status: inactive
Fronts: occasionally
Age: mid teens
Birthday: ??
Role: teen alter
Date Formed: 2019
Gender: genderfluid
Pronouns: ask at time
Sexuality: n/a
Partner: n/a
Species: human and cat but not both at the same time
Bonus: they're edgy. they deaged from an adult to a teen, and they feel a lot of angst about it. split 2019 due to gaslighting & manipulation


Status: dormant / assumed gone
Fronts: ???
Age: 29
Birthday: ??
Role: fusion of Evan Brian and Brock
Date Formed: 2022
Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him they/them
Sexuality: n/a
Partner: n/a
Species: human
Bonus: Brock came back from being dormant only to fuse with the new fragment Evan. Kinda mom friend kinda impulsive. Then they fused with Brian.


Status: inactive/dormant
Fronts: never
Age: 40?
Birthday: ??
Role: fragment of Wyllin
Date Formed: 2011 (late)
Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: n/a
Partner: n/a
Species: cat
Bonus: Wills split and his only purpose is to translate for Wyllin, he doesnt handle emotions or do anything else. He is polite but just exists in the background.


Status: inactive
Fronts: rarely
Age: ???
Birthday: ??
Role: fragment of Acorn / animal alter
Date Formed: 2018 (late)
Gender: bigender
Pronouns: he/him she/her
Sexuality: bisexual
Partner: n/a
Species: Wolf
Bonus: Grumpy and likes to be in charge. Does nothing else really


Status: inactive/dormant
Fronts: never
Age: ??
Birthday: ??
Role: psychotic alter / fragment
Date Formed: 2011
Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: n/a
Partner: n/a
Species: cat
Bonus: Wyllin has a hate for religion and cult like behaviour. He cannot process this information into words and only Wills can understand him. Wills split from him so he could explain / translate for Wyllin.


Status: Active (co-host)
Fronts: regular
Age: 23
Birthday: ??
Role: Host 2013 + 2014 | Presenting Part.
Date Formed: split from acorn 2012 ??? perhaps earlier
Gender: agender
Pronouns: they/them xe/xem
Sexuality: asexual
Partner: n/a
Species: human
Typing Quirk: us3s "3s" instead of E som3tim3s.
Bonus: Ze pretends to be the host when the host isnt out to people. Ze has always just been around in a way.